Saturday 17 December 2016


Pathology is literally 'study' of diseases.

The study of diseases revolves around 4 principal factors-

1. Etiology ( Cause) - which may be Genetic or Acquired

2. Pathogenesis- It is the ' temporal' sequence of events right from the exposure of the tissue to the injurious agent to the development of clinical manifestations.

3. Morphologic changes- This involves the study of the Gross and Microscopic changes that occur in a cell/ tissue/ organ. Gross changes are usually described in terms of colour, consistency, size and shape.

4. Clinical manifestations- This includes
a. Signs- which the doctor elicits while examination and which indicate the presence of an underlying pathology
b. Symptoms- Which the patient presents with.
c. Complications
d. Prognosis.

Thus, any pathological entity must be described with respect to these factors.

Dr Pranav Patwardhan

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